Tag Archives: Birthday

Revisiting my birthday list

Well, not *yet*

Okay, so back during B3DA I started making a list of 27 things to do before I turned 27 and I never finished it! I have been working on crossing things off the list though, so I thought I should continue in a more conscious manner..

Here it is so far:

  1. Eat at Hubcap Grill‘s restaurant or food truck (I’ve followed them on twitter forever, but I’ve never eaten there!)
  2. Make doctor’s/dentist/eye doctor’s appointments and keep them!
  3. Run a 5k.
  4. Run a half marathon.
  5. Mod Podge book  pages onto my dresser drawers.
  6. Help create a Halloween costume.
  7. Keep plants alive on our patio and grow some more.
  8. Finish Jane Austen cross stitch
  9. Learn to embroider
  10. Throw a kick ass Halloween party
  11. Learn to cook…samosas
  12. Read Little Women
  13. Visit 3 new Houston museums
  14. Get my second holes re-pierced
  15. learn a song on the harmonica
  16. Wash my car, inside and out, once a month
  17. Write and mail 3 letters or postcards
  18. Develop my holga film (FROM LAST SUMMER)
  19. Work on handmade Christmas presents for family and friends
  20. Collect the entire filmography of one star (I have chosen Nia Vardalos)*
  21. Create and star in a calendar*
  22. Read 3 biographies/memoirs/autobiographies of people I admire (2down, in the middle of 1 other)
  23. Learn how to make a gif
  24. Teach Bartlet a new trick
  25. Go to the Boneyard with Bartlet
  26. Finish knitting my scarf
  27. Go to a MLB baseball game!


*Nick came up with these 2


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B3DA 18-The People Pictured Are All British

Right out of the gate, I want to post this for Lisa because I know she’ll squee at it:

And some of the rest of you squeed too, didn’t you?

And this is just for me:

Okay, moving on. To some big, life changing stuff. Seriously. About a month ago I agreed to run a half marathon with my friend Brittney (and some of our friends) the week before her wedding. I’m not sure I was in my right mind, I’d just had several (several) cups of coffee and biscuits at Ol’ South Pancake House so I was obviously feeling good, and the endorphins swept me away. Well I told myself I’d start training for it once I’d run the 5k at TLA (which turned out to not be a full 5k, but who’s judging?). So this is to be the first week of training! I’ve got 24ish weeks so I’ll be taking things slow. Lisa suggested I log my total hours at the end of each blog entry. What do y’all think?

In other news:

Happy 40th Birthday David Tennant!

~~~~~~Jane Austen 30 Challenge~~~~~~

18. Moment that made you smile/happy while reading

Captain Wentworth’s love confession, just about every snarky thing Mr. Bennet says, the Middletons, when Wentworth takes Anne’s nephew off her back…

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