Monthly Archives: May 2010

3 Day Weekend Heralds the Beginning of Summer for Some

Well, school (at least in Friendswood) is out. This brings mixed emotions for me. I’m glad my kids are happy to be free, but the new junior high is opening several miles away which means my school year crowd is going to be very different next year. Not sure what will happen there in the Fall.

My 2 day long marathon of Doctor Who is over, and so are the last of our ‘quiet’ days at the library. Now the days will be full of families searching for a cool way to spend a few minutes/hours with books or the variety of programming we offer or picking up prizes from the summer reading club. It’s totally exhausting but so very fun and I’m excited but nervous as always.

But before that begins, we have a 3 day weekend! I’ll be spending it in New Braunfels with my sisters. So far, our plans consist of vague ideas to go antiquing and floating the river and Monday we’re seeing the Barenaked Ladies perform in Austin, which I’m so psyched for! This will be my 3rd time to see them, and I’m curious to see how they’ll perform as a foursome.

I had to take off the afternoon so I don’t go into overtime (I’m going in for our kick off party in the morning), so Robin and I met my mom at the high school and then went for margaritas and fajitas and I was so tired when I got home around 7, I read some and actually took a nap! Again! And only for half an hour again so I’m not in a bad mood, miracle of miracles! But when I woke up the weather had turned, from clear blue skies to overcast and pouring rain. The temperature has gone down to 79 but the humidity is at 77% so it feels soupy outside. Gross. Hope it lightens up for tomorrow!

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Monday blahs

I love that Maureen Johnson has been tweeting about the Monday dragon all day, because that’s what it feels like today.  I am not feeling 100%  and I didn’t want this weekend to end, so Monday is not welcome. Luckily it’s almost over and I get to hang out with my sisters (Katie’s visiting for a day or 2!) and mom tonight when we shop for a baby shower present for our cousin Heidi.

This weekend was a blast, I got my haircut which is always fun because I love my hairdresser, Tricia. I went to the Friendswood Junior High musical which was about pirates and was hilarious! Then I met E and M and went to E’s little brother’s high school graduation (wearing a cardigan- however light- is no fun in late May in Houston, even at sunset). Pretty short though the commencement speaker was a little awful (he compared the tragedies of 9/11 and Hurricanes Katrina and Ike to the govt. wanting to stop off shore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico- all while not mentioning the ongoing BP oil spill. What can I say, sadly this is oil country….) Then we were off to the graduation party E’s parents threw for both her brothers AND her husband (yeah, we like graduations) which was fun especially because I found some 13 year olds to spend the evening talking to and avoided some unforeseen awkwardness.

Sunday was M’s law school graduation/more general celebration and then a late nap. And a successful nap! I took the advice you, gentle readers, gave me and woke up, deliciously refreshed, at my alarm 30 minutes after falling asleep. E and I went to Target to get last minute things for her Spring trip this week (88 7th graders, 11 chaperones on a bus to West Texas and New Mexico anyone? She doesn’t get paid enough.). Then we watched Clueless, which has to be one of the best movies, and best Austen-adaptation ever. Sit down, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Cher is talking about the Hat-ee-ans

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Things I Love Thursday

It’s been so long since I’ve written AND posted one of these! Here goes!

  • This week’s Glee. I know, I know I’m late to the game. But whatevs. I HEART Joss so hard, and I know I’m not alone so I’m not afraid to say it out loud here (or anywhere really…). And he did not let us down in this. And NPH! Robin and I were so happy. And Idina Menzel and Lea Michelle singing together is what the musical medium was created for. In fact our only wish for the show would’ve been to hear Shue and Brian Ryan actually sing Impossible Dream. Well that and no lines for Kurt, Mercedes, Brittany, Santana, Quinn, and Finn…
  • This recap of the show
  • Playing with my kids and teaching them about art.
  • Chatting/pouring out my soul to friends.
  • E and M’s new apartment. It’s soooo pretty! Going to hang out with them there tonight, I think. Maybe make them watch Dr. Horrible? They’ll probably cry/be irrationally/totally understandable upset about the ending
  • Just finding out May 25 is Towel Day!!!!

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Look, I’m a wee bit famous!

I met an author called Jessica Lee Anderson at TLA this year while working the YART booth and she asked me if her blog Texas Sweethearts could feature me in a post. So here I am!

Rereading it (I wrote it last month), I’m afraid I used a lot of exclamation points…Hope I don’t sound too manic/like I had too many coffees…


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Quick Friday Post

Okay, so I wrote this post last Friday and forgot to actually, you know, post it. So here I am, speaking to you from the past!

I don’t know how it was that I was always able to write during April, but in Maybe I can’t concentrate long enough to write an entire blog! Bizarre.

Just now I got distracted again. We’re getting things ready for summer here at the library and everything is happening this month. At least 4 important graduations (I can only go to 2), parties, at least 4 friends moving to new places (all of them closer to me, or at least only a little bit further down the street in some cases), baby dedications (is it like a baptism? I don’t understand non-catholic baby traditions..), and fun concerts! Though none of these things are happening to me directly (except the concert, I’m totally going to be there!) I can’t help but feel excited/overwhelmed/stressed for my friends who are experiencing them firsthand. Gotta love that overactive empathy! 🙂

Okay, got distracted again. Darn internet! But it took up the 10 minutes before lunch and now I get to eat! I have the Hunger!!!!

Will try to update more soon. Promise.

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