Seashell Rose Pendants

I bought a roundtrip ticket to Achorage, AK on Saturday and promptly texted/tweeted all of my friends and family to inform them that they would all be receiving homemade Christmas presents this year.

And then I got started making them.

I should probably have people in mind when making Christmas presents, but to be honest I’m just winging it and hoping the perfect recipient emerges.

I’ve already made a huge batch of homemade cranberry-orange marmalade from oranges in my backyard, so that will be nice for some people. And then I got started on these little guys.


I think they’re pretty sweet little optical illusions. For now they are just miniature sculptures but I’m going to make them into necklace pendants and brooches.

And I’m going to tell you how to make them too!

I saw a tutorial on pinterest a while back that showed how to make cabochons using silicon molds and hot glue, of all things. The original blogger, Lilblueboo found all sorts of things,: bows, hearts, butterflies. However, when I went to Michaels, I only found an assortment of leaves?


Ah well, I thought, I’ll find something that needs leaves someday. Months later, while looking through pinterest boards and my craft supplies I hit upon the something that needed leaves.

My parents recently bought 9 acres of land and are building a house (a straw bale house, because they are that crazy and awesome). It’s a pretty long and narrow piece of land that slopes down through mesquite trees and cacti (and bluebonnets in the spring) to a line of oak trees along a creek. They’re keeping it uncultivated for the most part which means we wild animals use it as their habitat. We keep an eye out for snakes, and keep our animal tracking skills up to date by identifying various paw/hoofprints and droppings left along the trail. My very favorite thing to do on our walks is to collect things. The best things I’ve found are bones. It might sound creepy but I really like animal bones. But that is a story for another post. This one is about snail shells. And flowers.

I started noticing these little white shells all over (well not all over) the place. I pocketed a few, once I realized they were vacated snail shells. I have seriously never seen so many empty shells so far inland. And most of them were a very pretty ivory color.


So, to make this craft, I first cleaned the shells thoroughly with dish soap and boiling water. While they were soaking I warmed up my trusty hot glue gun and made my leaves. Like the original blog post said, it takes a little while to get the right method for filling the molds with hot glue, but the nice thing is that they cool quickly and you can trim the messy edges with scissors. I made a bunch and painted them green, I had to do several layers so the green was a really nice, bright shade.

When the shells were cleaned and dried. I painted them with just a thin layer of acrylic paint. I didn’t want the color to be too thick or bright, so you could still tell that the roses were shells. I went with several different colors so there was a variety in the bouquet.

Then I cast around to find something to put my little flowers on! A quick search of my craft supplies produced a bag of Rummikub tiles! After that is was as easy as finding some crazy glue (I wasn’t sure hot glueing something that was already made of hot glue would be the way to go) and arranging my little rosebuds! I’m going to add some teardrop bails to the back so they can be put on a chain. But I might put a pin on some so they can be a brooch too.


And I made a special one for my friend Jenn that was a little more macabre…


All in all, this was a pretty easy and fun craft to do for a library program or while watching tv. Especially if you already have some of the supplies on hand!

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Back In Craft

I’m back again to post some pics of crafts I’ve done recently.

Book Hedgehogs!

365 366

Book art!

Book Art (4)

Radioactive Fairy Lights

Radioactive Fairy Jars (3) Radioactive Fairy Jars (19) Radioactive Fairy Jars YA (2) Radioactive Fairy Jars YA (11)Radioactive Fairy Jars YA (12)

Star Wars Crafts!

Star Wars Day (13) Star Wars Day (27)

Franken-Animals (based on Michelle’s craft!)

YA Party (16)

Glow Cloud (from leftover Frankenpets)


Neck-tie phone case

2014-09-10 14.48.07 2014-09-10 14.48.29

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Galentine’s Day!

So, for the past 3 years my roommate and I have hosted a Galentine’s Day Party. It’s a day (usually a Sunday afternoon) in February where we celebrate our best girlfriends. Everyone is invited to squeeze into our little apartment and eat and talk and best of all: craft! I encourage people to bring things they’ve been working on but I also provide easy crafts for those less craftily inclined. This year I thought I’d add a little something extra, as well as beef up my Valentine’s decorations.

I was inspired by this craft blog post But I wanted to include all my guests so I sent out a note to everyone telling them to bring their favorite lipstick/gloss with them for a special craft(reassuring them it would come to no harm). I found a perfect frame at Goodwill for $5.99 and decorated a piece of watercolor paper with the title, date, and appropriate quote. Then the kissing commenced!

"Ovaries before brovaries"

“Ovaries before brovaries”

My favorite lip color, L'Oreal Paris Infallible Lipcolour in Beyonce red

My favorite lip color, L’Oreal Paris Infallible Lipcolour in Beyonce red




Overall the party was a great success, I was a little worried we wouldn’t all fit and I always worry that different groups of people won’t get along, but it all worked out for the best! Can’t wait for next year’s party!

After the party, I drove an hour and a half to Bryan College Station because a beloved friend was attending a work conference there. Since Jessica lives in Florida and works ALL THE TIME, this was an excellent excuse to spend some time together. Leah, Britt, and Pete drove down from Fort Worth and almost the whole gang was back together. It was great, we laughed and caught up on all the frankly life changing things that have happened in the year+ since we’d seen each other (Peace Corps volunteering, house buying, going back to school, job promotions etc.) and talked about how old we’re getting. Though frankly, I can’t see it.

Jess, Pete, Britt, Sti!

Jess, Pete, Britt, Sti!


Okay, it’s dinner time so let me leave you with some kittens (er- they’re a year old now so I guess that makes them cats?)


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A few things

We’re going to pretend I haven’t abandoned this blog since April, shall we? Here’s are some of the craft/art projects I’ve worked on since then…I apologize if there are some repeats.

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Nothing would be enough.

This morning I happily followed my good friend Ruthie’s tweets and instagram posts as she and her 1 year old son Benjy hung out in Boston while her husband ran the Boston Marathon. I’d just ‘liked’ her photo with Adam in the Family Meeting Area on facebook when I switched back to my Twitter tab and saw the first reports of the explosions. I skimmed over several before they sunk in and I immediately texted her to make sure they were safe. Almost immediately I got a response of ‘Yes, why?’ and then she too checked twitter…They’re back in their hotel room and safe and I’ve spent the afternoon watching live footage and trying to process all of this.

There’s nothing I can say, nothing new for me to offer beyond my profound sadness for everyone affected, my pride in all of the selfless responders, and my prayers for the prevention of further damage and for healing of all those in pain.

After several hours of watching these events unfold my heart hurts and my brain feels broken, I can’t even fathom how people in Boston may be feeling.


Edit to add: Ruthie was just interviewed about today’s events. So so glad they’re safe.–203101471.html

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Well that didn’t go as planned…

Ah April, when one has so many hopes and aspirations….and so many other things that get in they way of them.

I slack. Already! So early in. And yet, I am not ashamed. I spent time with old friends, I made new friends, I read books, and watched tv, took glorious walks with my dog, visited historic places and did a little work somewhere in there too. So, I’m sad I wasn’t able to blog as faithfully as I promised, but not enough to harsh my mellow as it were.

Later I might post a few pictures from the beautiful wedding I attended in Savannah last weekend. My dear Katie got married and it seems like just the other day she was banging on the walls between our closets to tell me and Holly we were laughing too loudly…

Tonight is karaoke! Leigh Anne is having a birthday and we’re celebrating with song! It’s like we live in a musical! Only I have no idea what I want to sing besides Patsy Cline’s version of Crazy (did you know Willie Nelson wrote Crazy? And if you did, did you also know that he wrote it while he was living in the Houston area?). And I can’t leave my audience on such a downer, can I? My karaoke standby, Hook by Blues Traveler is not available. I mean seriously, what is up with this place if they don’t have Hook! *shakes fist* All the songs I wanna sing are terribly sad or by dudes and not in my range or really indie (suuuch a hipster, I know), and I want everyone to like me! So many conundrums.

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Day 6- Yeah yeah, I missed yesterday

I’m still in Savannah on a wedding weekend and I totally did not have time to write yesterday as I was busy recovering from the bachelorette party (we ended up at a honky tonk, felt like I was back at home). We had a lot of fun doing all the usual bachelorette stuff you’d expect. Yes there were, uh, suggestive straws and candy. We met a guy who’d (supposedly) won the lottery the week before who bought us some shots. And there was lots of dancing, including line dancing! Which meant we slept late the morning. Had a late brunch and shopped despite the cold and rain. But today is beautiful and Holly and Alex are here now! Savannah is (surprise, surprise) a really cool town. I totally didn’t realize they had an open container law and that’s both strange and cool. And I always forget that it’s the birthplace of Juliette Gordon Low, founder of the Girl Scouts. They’re doing construction at her house so I didn’t get to investigate, which just means I’ll have to come back someday.


Tomorrow is the wedding. At a plantation. A PLANTATION. This is going to be insanely lovely, if only because Katie is very particular and a photographer/stylist besides having the best taste ever. Pictures will be posted. And probably some Vines. 

Attempting to find a place to have dinner tonight. It is not going to be easy. There are some dietary and budgetary restrictions. We shall persevere though. This is all terribly interesting, I know. You’ll be more excited when I show you pictures later.

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Day 4-the Day I Landed in Georgia

Sorry faithful readers but I’m phoning today’s entry in. Literally, I am typing this on my phone in a car on the way to Savannah.My good friend Katie is getting married on SundaI on a plantationand I flew in early for the Hen Party. Two very nice friends of hers offered me a ride which means I didn’t have to rent a car! Woot



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Day 3- Family Dinner, Lizzie Bennet, and Road Trips!

It’s Wednesday and that means Family Dinner Night! I always get psyched because A.) Free Dinner B.) my family rocks. Seriously. I don’t want to brag (though I’m totally going to) but I was hanging out with some friends the other day and we (they) were talking about their siblings and parents and I was really glad the conversation changed subjects before it got to me because I almost felt guilty that I had no real horror stories to tell about mine. We aren’t perfect and our relationships aren’t perfect. We fight and disagree and piss each other, but I genuinely love hanging with both of my parents and my both of my sisters. I spent the entire weekend at home and am still excited about having dinner there tonight. My dad will show me what things he’s made in his barn or the new/used truck he just bought, I’ll help mom and Katie cook dinner/vent about their week so far, fend off attention from all the dogs, share a bottle of wine and catch up on Castle and other tv shows and then head home. It’ll be awesome!

In other news, prompted by the kickstarter campaign and my pledge in the Pride and Prejudice Challenge, I finally got back around to finishing the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. And then kicked myself for not jumping on that train as it left the station! So many awesome things going on with this adaptation of Pride and Prejudice! The characters all have twitter accounts, apparently there are lookbooks and instagram accounts and pinterest boards and tumblrs! Basically all the things I love about the internet PLUS Jane Austen! Luckily the kickstarter is putting them all (all? twitter transcripts?) on dvd. And that’s a good thing. I hope this puts it in the hands of people who, like me, were reticent to watch 5 minute videos twice a week. Or those people who missed the social media bandwagon but still love Jane Austen’s timeless story. And this re-imagining of the story further proves the true universality of Pride and Prejudice. Even in a 2012-2013 suburban bedroom we all recognize the sharp tongued Miss Elizabeth Bennet and her practical best friend Charlotte Lu(cas). Jane is as sweet as ever and Lydia just as flighty and exasperating. But this retelling gives Austen’s characters even more depth and roundness. Through other video diaries we learn more about Lydia and Lizzie’s relationship and Charlotte is not completely written out of the story after she leaves with Mr. Collins. But I think my favorite storyline quirk is the resolution of Jane and Bing(ly)’s storyline. I don’t want to spoil anything for those who have yet to watch it, but yeah, it’s pretty great. Becky talks about it more in her blog entry from April 1, hers is a more emotional testimonial to the story’s power since she watched it from the beginning. As I should have done.

Luckily, the creators of the LBD aren’t done! Next up is a short series based on Jane Austen’s Sanditon and then in July an entirely new book adaptation will start. But we don’t know what book is next! So Becky and I were discussing it today, debating which books would be ideal for such an update and how various issues would be dealt with in a modern context. We pitched Huck Finn and realized it would be a Road Trip Vlog, and then we decided that WE wanted to make a road trip vlog! So now that’s in the works for spring break next year! Somewhere in the West. It’ll be made even better by the fact that we have yet to meet in person. So exciting!!

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Recap Time!

Since I’m such a lax blogger when it’s not Blog Every Day April, I thought I’d dedicate today’s post to filling all of my many many readers in on what I’ve been up to over the past year or so (I guess longer since I didn’t participate in BEDA last year). If you follow me on twitter you will know all of these things and much more, so bear with me as I go through the highlights. Here’s my 2012, illustrated by a LOT of pictures. Because that’s how I roll.

Last February I hosted my Inaugural Galentine’s Day Crafternoon, a day inspired by Parks and Recreation’s Leslie Knope’s gathering of lady friends. We crafted and ate and drank and it was awesome. Had a second one this February and it was also great!

In March I ran in my second half marathon, the Baylor Bearathon. They call it the Hardest Half in Texas and I believe it! There were *lots* of hills, but the weather was great and I made some friends along the way!

Right after the Bearathon (literally the next day) I flew to Spain to spend 2 weeks with my sister Katie. I can’t believe that was a year ago! It was amazing, even if I never learned Spanish..

April was the Texas Library Association Conference and I took a bunch of my teens for the Texas Teens 4 Libraries Day and it was awesome. I met and became friends with author Ben Hatke! I also went on  Texas BBQ tour and ate loooots of delicious barbecue and went to the wedding of a dear old friend/ex-boyfriend.

May was pretty chill. Geared up for the Summer Reading Club. Celebrated Lisa’s 21st Birthday.

June was pretty chill too. Just met Wilson Phillips. No big. And Carnie Wilson told me I was pretty.

July was ComicCon. Look, Elijah Wood!

In August I miraculously got to see The Old 97s FOR FREE

In September I made my debut on the stage. And by stage I mean the back patio at a coffee shop during Houston’s Fringe Festival. My costar was a giant penguin. Not lying. Even if I don’t have the photographic evidence to back it up. The Cholulas also made it out to the Ranch

In October I partied with some dinos at the Houston Museum of Natural Science’s Halloween Party, while dressed as Arthur Dent.

In November I jetted off to Miami for a reunion with some college friends. Oh and I also wrote a book. But more on that in another entry.

In December Jen and I ran another half marathon, the Shiner Beer Run. There was beer afterward. And it was awesome.

In December, Bonnie and I decided to adopt not one but TWO kittens

I also got in a quick visit to see this dude and his wife in Fort Worth while also saying good-bye to my dear friends who joined the Peace Corps.

Took Mom to the symphony to see the Irish Chieftains in February.

And then Jen up and left me to move to Denver. BAH Denver.

At the Girls Only Slumber Party, Lisa and I stayed up all night. Can you tell?

Aaaaand that’s about it. Well not really. But this post has taken long enough to load in your browser so I’ll just say that was about it. 2012, even if it wasn’t the apocalypse, was a pretty eventful year. Stick around, I’m sure 2013 will be just as crazy.



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